Monday, July 16, 2007

Some Early Metrics Thoughts

The website for Sitemeter is slow. Wow. It is seriously slow. Well. I have the code installed, but I have a stupid picture I want gone. Soooo slow. I'll continue writing this when the stupid page can be made to load stuff...

OK. I'm actually giving up for today. I should drill my speedreading.

One thing I did notice: Google analytics reports stuff the day after it happens. This is boring Google! I like to be able to randomly refresh and be like "w00t! two more!" Huge props to StatCounter for having this covered. FeedBurner seems to do things in batches, but I haven't really figured out what's going on there. This is somewhat of a tangent but in FeedBurner's rss metrics, they have this thing called reach that's really hot. It accounts for aggregators and stuff instead of just counting them as one subscriber - my numbers look much shinier with planet Olin added in.

Peace out.

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