Saturday, April 21, 2007

Constant HB & me @ Mel's

I read through a lot of Honor Board minutes from the bygone days to the current days. I seriously question how much things have changed. It seems that Olin has always been moved by a small subset of the population. It also seems that our conversations today are just like the ones they had 6 years ago on the board. Sad... I'll write more on this once I have a more cohesive view on things...

In other news, Mel put up a post kinda in response to a post I made! My name is in the first sentence! w00t! ...The idea of an epic intra-Olin flame war in the blogosphere has been floated...
Also random: I'm gonna stop with the [Alt+Shift] tag.


Drew Harry said...

Is it really a bad thing that the conversations are the same? In a lot of ways, student organizations like the HB and CORe are in and of themselves educational experiences. Both groups wrestle with difficult and somewhat intractable problems in a mostly safe space. I don't think we should expect that as organizations either group should be making "progress" in some absolute sense.

A better sense of history in decision making processes might be useful, but I think the process of rehashing old issues is valuable for everyone involved.

Boris Dieseldorff said...

I think progress would be nice. Or at least movement. The HB has been confused about what it's role is since day 1. We should just decide on something. Obviously the HB has explicit duties (ie cases). Then it might also have other responsibilities: making the code visible, facilitating discussions about the code, making community standards explicit, helping with possible violations before they become a case (eg mediation). Sure it's educational to discuss these things, but it also feels like a lot of wasted time. It's almost like a philosophy discussion; it just doesn't go anywhere.

I agree that the discussions are important. People need to decide for themselves what they should be doing etc. That being said, I think a better sense of history could allow people to develop their personal beliefs in an environment that isn't CORe or the HB itself. This would leave more time for actually doing things.

Just as an example, should the HB work with R2s (for mediation)? Well, it'd be nice to know that this has already been discussed at length in the past; it'd be nice to have a set of points/ideas to move forward from instead of simply rebuilding the same stuff.

Grant Hutchins said...

Oh no! I will miss alt+shift