Thursday, March 22, 2007


I went to see the Bodies exhibition in NYC today. Finally. After having not gone twice while it was in Boston and once while it was in NYC, it seemed perfectly fitting that I wouldn't get to go see it again because my cat needed to go to the vet. Thankfully, my cat woke up much better and I finally got to go.

It was pretty awesome. The part that I found the most intriguing was the preservation of the circulatory system. They pumped a polymer through the blood vessels and then hardened it. Then they removed all of the organic parts in the area and ta-da! Out comes an incredibly intriguing network. The part where they'd done this for both the air-carrying portion of the lungs and all of the connecting blood vessels from the heart was intense.

I must admit that the freakout level of the exhibit was far lower than expected. Except for the breast with cancer; that was gross.

More important than any of this, however, was what I learned immediately upon exiting the exhibit: there apparently exists such a thing as "Alpha Male Ale" (at Heartland Brewery).
--"Made from Peruvian Maca Root, American ginseng, horny goat weed and honey, this unfiltered golden ale not only revitalized the male "spirit," but is fresh as well. 5% alcohol"

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