Monday, March 26, 2007

Alt + Shift

So I decided to learn how to type with a Dvorak layout over break. I used a neat program called Typefaster. I think I'll keep this short in the interest of time.

Learning a new layout is good in that I can easily break myself of my habit of looking at the keyboard when I type. It's also supposed to be more efficient, but I'm far too slow to be judging.

Alt + Shift

Ahhhhhh.... back to qwerty. Man I'm lame. I really wanted to type this post in just Dvorak, but man is it slow. I think I'll be starting all of my posts in Dvorak and putting an "Alt + Shift" in when I switch back to my native layout. I technically still have two lessons to go in Typefaster, but I supplement my lack of knowledge with a printout of a DVorak layout on a page of my notebook. Anywho, hopefully I suck less at this with practice.

Today I found out what happens when e-mails accumulate. Evidently I stress out. This is news to me. I recently started organizing my e-mails better and flagging important things so that I could just deal with important things in my "For Follow-Up" folder and handle the other e-mails later. Normally I have a few e-mails to follow up on at any given time. Today I reached 32. Arghh. It took me an hour and a half to get it down to 11. At this point I stopped stressing about it. Awesome. I really didn't know e-mails could stress me out...

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