Wednesday, May 23, 2007



Here's my website that I was super-excited about: OlinDocs.

This website is for archiving documents made at Olin in a way that's easy-to-find. The goal is to have an answer to "Remember that expo poster someone made? I think it was about chaos and music or something..."

So you head over to OlinDocs and you type Expo into the search box, you go to refine and type chaos and you're good to go. Hot.

So. Obviously I need to get some more documents. Right now it's Meta plus anything I had handy (read new b/c the rest is on my external at Olin and I'm not for the next two weeks) that was worthwhile. If any of you have stuff that you'd like me to put up, send an email to boris@students. I need two things for document submissions.

1-The document
2-Some meta-info

I'd like the meta-info in a file titled db_params.txt it should follow this example:

Class Name
Semester (eg s07 or f06)
Teacher Names (First Last, First Last)
Author Names (First Last, First Last)

Awesome. I hacked together some neat python scripts to put a database together for me, so it's fairly painless (I'll probably post about this and the other mechanics of the site later). Oh yeah. If you're sending in any group documents, could you please run it by the other people first? Sweet.

Edit: If any of the meta-info doesn't make sense for your document (eg it wasn't for any classes), just put it down as - (a dash) and include a note in your e-mail. Thanks!

Oh man. So excited.

Make me happy. Send me stuff. Expo stuff, final deliverables, Capstones, OSS papers... I'm waiting for cool stuff. I might even make the mistake of reading through far more of it than is healthy. Anyways. I'm gonna stop ranting. Sooo excited.

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