Tuesday, February 5, 2008


So it's been a while.

This semester is looking to be seriously busy. I'm doing enough that Outlook has me booked for 30 hours a week of scheduled stuff. Just classes and SigSys ninja meetings really. Then I have to do the work for all those 30 hours of classes and grading for SigSys and stuff... Oh! And I've taken up a hobby! I'm baking bread multiple times a week so that should be exciting - that tends to happen concurrently with reading for something so it doesn't actually take that much virgin time.

Anyhow. Now that I'm busy I thought I should get back to this blog. After all, it exists to hold neat stuff that I learn and I'm currently learning lots of neat stuff.

So this semester will see some good stuff:

  • Advanced digital systems: We're making a video game console on an FPGA. I'm not sure how bloggable it'll be, but the class is certainly cool.
  • Estimation: This is an IS (independent study) I'm doing with a few other kids. It's a lot of order of magnitude physics estimation, dimensional analysis etc. This is a lot of neat stuff that should be fun to toss here - expect to see it a disproportionate amount.
  • History of Analog Circuit Design: This is what I'm doing for my OSS (Olin Self Study). I'm pretty much trying to see if I can answer the question "How the #$% did someone think of that?!"
  • 6 Books that Changed the World: This class is a half semester gig where we read and analyze a book a week. Books are: The Communist Manifesto, Uncle Tom's Cabin, Darwin, The Prince, The Art of War and a book of my choice which will likely be John Maynard Keynes' The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money. I'm planning on also reading Adam Smith's The Wealth of Nations but that might be far too optimistic. Oh well.
  • Controls: Really sweet class on a really sweet subject (feedback, transfer functions etc.) that is of questionable bloggability.
  • MAD VLSI2: This one probably won't be up here much. Neat stuff, but advanced enough to need more context than I want to provide here or you, dear reader, likely want to read.
  • Signals and Systems: I'm ninjaing this class with two other kids. This is neat stuff. I'll see if I can toss up concepty stuff here while avoiding the mathy stuff.
  • Intermediate DiffEQ: Yeah. Doubt this will be here ever. It's also the next half of the semester.
  • Bread: w00t!
So that's my semester. I'm pretty excited.

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