Friday, February 29, 2008

MIT OCW and a couple of revelations

First a neat tidbit. OpenCourseWare is neat. If you're an Olin student who likes complaining about not getting intro circuits taught to you, try just listening to the videos for MIT's 6.002 while you do other things.

--- Something a bit less about learning ---

I'm a very layered person. I have a pragmatic side, an idealistic side, an ideal side and a true belief side. Pretty much all of my views on these are irresistibly opposing (eg pragmatic capitalist vs. idealistic socialist). It's kind of great. Often it's just annoying. I rarely dip farther than my idealistic side, because it just doesn't come up - if it does, I'm just likely to get depressed. Things I recently learned (although I'd suspected the second one):

  • As it turns out, I'm actually sensitive to attacks on stuff deeper than my idealistic side.
  • Also, evidently my beliefs are such that I can seriously disturb people by simply mentioning them.
Sometimes I wonder.

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