Sunday, April 22, 2007

Stikkit review & stikkit plans

All right. So Stikkit gets a rating of "pretty badass."

I decided to give Stikkit a run and see how I liked it. I use only a few of its multitude of functions. I'm a firm believer that a product that does one thing best is better than one that does lots of things OK; to that end, I've gotten it to be best for a couple of things, I'll see if more show up later.

Basically I use Stikkit for:
-SMS reminders
-Bookmarks plus
-Quick, random notes
-Details for to-do lists

SMS Reminders:
This is super-simple and super-useful. I love outlook. It let's me know what's up. That being said, Outlook is a pull system. Even Outlook reminders aren't really push. They only work if you're at your computer at the time. With stikkit, I can turn on SMS reminders and then just write something like:
reminder name
thursday at 15:00
detail, detail, detail.
remind me
On thursday, half an hour before 15:00 rolls around, I get a nice text message with my stikkit's text in it. Nice!

In Stikkit there's this thing called the stikkit toolbox. It's a little button with some neat javascript functionality. You click on it and it pops up a stikkit with the title of the website you're on as the first line (title) of the stikkit. It puts the URL as the second line. Then it skips a line and adds any text you had selected on the site. This is great for picking up interesting tidbits that you can go back to. And, of course, you can add whatever before it gets sent to stikkit (eg tags).

Quick, random notes:
This is basically self-explanatory.

Details for to-do list:
This one is sweet! So I keep to do lists on netvibes. They're nice, but they are, by nature, super-short. So, I have one item on my list that say SigSys - hw 8 (thurs). Then I have a stikkit titled SigSys - hw 8 that says:

SigSys HW8
due Fri, Apr 27th

(H8.1) text problem 8.6
(H8.2) text problem 8.8
(H8.3) text problem 8.10 a c
(H8.4) text problem 8.11 a
(H8.5) text problem 8.12
(H8.6) text problem 8.18

Additional problems will be posted soon


I can search for it easily and I have more details within easy reach.

Boris' fixins:
Here's how I made it more useful for myself on netvibes (my home on the internet). I made 2 widgets that use the external widget module (Add to Netvibes). What you need to do is add source code to it for it to do things. The really simple widget is just a nice view of my stikkits and my stikkit bookmarks (this is a compilation of links made from urls in stikkits). I use it b/c the rss feed that stikkit provides has a non-zero refresh rate. Also it lets me see more things at the same time. By far the more interesting and useful widget is my new stikkit widget that lets you create new stikkits from inside netvibes. So hot. If anyone wants me to set them up with stikkit, netvibes, some combo or any other program/webapp that I fanboy all over: I really enjoy making other people's computers the hotness to doing thing that I should actually do; just wing me an e-mail.

So there's plenty of features I've yet to use. The calendar ends up getting filled with things I put in for SMS reminders. The peeps feature is completely unused. This lets you just keep data on ppl and stuff and seems worthwhile. Also the to-do list feature seems like a nice way to add detail to my current lists that I'm not using. So many features... In fact, I talked to Mel a lot and she has an idea for this sort of database for sharing notes by book and page and lots more etc. etc. I'm going to see if I can make it work with stikkit and s'more programs; the key is machine and human readable...

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