Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Plans for the coming semester

Lots of planning has been going on these past few days in my head. First, the classes I'm definitely taking: Anal/Dig, CompArch and Discrete. Then things get fuzzy.

I really want to do E-Board. This has dibs on my future time.

Then I'd like to do (Alt + Shift) Econ101 at Wellesley and also Dynamics. I've dropped the 24 credit idea at this point in favor of either E-board + 20 or Scott's circuit design co-curricular + 20 or something that will eat my time + 20. Basically, if I end up not being able to sustain my level of playing Smash Bros. b/c I'm too busy next semester, I'll be quite happy. I love being busy.

E-board sounds super-exciting to me. Getting to know the ins and outs of this place sounds fantastic. I love this place. I'm told I love it too much. I kind of tend to liken it to perfection in my head on a regular basis. This leads to me being disappointed in the actual state of affairs, which is only insanely awesome. E-Board seems like the place to be if I want to go ahead and make Olin more like my silly perfect vision of it. I just talked to cDellin and am now just more excited.

/me crosses fingers

Meta is being incredibly exciting as per usual. We are currently doing history which means we choose a topic related to Olin, find people who know about it/were here for it, get some documents and tell a sweet story. The kicker is the analysis portion of it. We get to do the Meta thing and use a mental model. W00t! Mel is doing the curriculum from a legal perspective. I'm thinking of doing either the Honor Board or the Honor Code. I'm thinking of setting it against mission statements in a startups or something. Anyhow, all of us had neat ideas. the lovely part is how much overlap there is between them. Man. So exciting. I love this class.

Sorry to people reading PlanetOlin who got to see all of my posts as new ones b/c I changed their labels. Now I know better.


Grant Hutchins said...

E-Board is a ton of fun. It's a lot of work but in general it's actually rewarding in the end, especially if you pick the position you really want most.

It is a lot of work. I can't emphasize that enough, but you can delegate it and your predecessors have done things to help make it run smoothly and easily, or at least we've tried.

Tom said...

I agree with Grant. There's hardly a more rewarding experience than working on behalf of some of the most incredible students you'll ever meet.

I also agree that it's a lot of work. But, you've got to spend your time doing something...right?

Good luck.