Monday, March 31, 2008


So I was organizing a bunch of papers I have and added categories to the whole thing.

I'm rather amused at how I function nowadays and thought I'd share. For each paper I have something in a text file like this:

-Reconfigurable Translinear Analog Signal Processing
-For OSS
-Talks about MITEs and actually implements log-domain filters with them
This is the file name, title, page count, original purpose, summary and categories.

The part I find amusing is that it would take me probably less than 5 minutes to make a python script that can pull things out by a variety of factors. It would take me like 20 minutes to make an appropriate database and an AJAXy setup for looking through it. I like that I naturally set things up in a way that makes it easy to port like that. I'm also amused that I choose to just scroll through my text file. Oh well.


Grant Hutchins said...

You're pretty much just a tiny step from writing YAML.

Required: The name used to sign your blog posts. said...

Check out Aigaion and JabRef.